Startup Packages


We understand that you are ready to embark on your new business venture but have no idea where to start with the formal company structure. Who will own the shares? Who will run the company? Who will be employed by the company? What will the rights and duties of each role player be? Who will have the biggest say with regard to company decisions? We’ll help you answer all these questions, ensure your compliance with the Companies Act, and walk you through the start-up process from start to finish.

We mostly advise our clients to consider housing their start-up businesses in private companies for the following main reasons:

  • A private company exists as a separate legal persona and the director(s) is/are therefore not liable for the debts and claims against the business (unlike a sole proprietorship, where the owner will be liable for the debts and claims in his/her personal capacity)
  • A private company enjoys perpetual succession (if a sole proprietor dies or becomes insolvent, or otherwise legally incapable, this usually means the end of the business).
  • CCs are no longer registrable and are being phased out. Private companies now offer many of the same benefits (and sometimes more) as close corporations. There are now small (old CCs and private companies) and large companies
Ultimate Start-Up Consultation* Free
Name Reservation R100
New Private Company Registration** R600
Director Appointment(s) R100
Unique Memorandum of Incorporation or Shareholders’ Agreement (regulating shareholder relations and formalising the terms that will govern the relationship between the company, director(s) and shareholder(s))*** R2100
Creation of Company Register and Minute Book (includes  Securities Register, Register of Directors, Auditors and Company Secretaries) and Maintenance**** for a period of 1 year R4000
Employment Agreement (Unique or Template Style for Roll-out)*** R1700



Consultation* Free
Name Reservation R100
New Private Company Registration** R650
Director Appointment(s) R100
Unique Memorandum of Incorporation or Shareholders’ Agreement (regulating shareholder relations and formalising the terms that will govern the relationship between the company, director(s) and shareholder(s))*** R2200
Loan, Licensing or other related/similar content-specific Agreement*** R3000
Employment Agreement (Unique or Template Style for Roll-out)*** R1800





Consultation* Free
Name Reservation R100
New Private Company Registration** R700
Director Appointments R100
Unique Memorandum of Incorporation or Shareholders’ Agreement (regulating shareholder relations and formalising the terms that will govern the relationship between the company, director(s) and shareholder(s))*** R2400
Employment Agreement (Unique or Template Style for Roll-out)*** R2000




Consultation* Free
Name Reservation R100
New Private Company Registration** R720
Director Appointments R100
Unique Memorandum of Incorporation or Shareholders’ Agreement (regulating shareholder relations and formalising the terms that will govern the relationship between the company, director(s) and shareholder(s))*** R2500
A Starter Consultation* Free
Shelf Company – Urgent Private Company Registration*** R1550
TOTAL 1550
B Starter




Consultation* Free
Name Reservation R100
New Private Company Registration** R750
Director Appointments R100

*        Consultations are aimed at giving you a thorough understanding of a private company, director duties and responsibilities and good governance

**       Includes a first share issue

***     All agreements include 2 drafts (with changes) and an execution version

****    Includes attendance to all Notices, Minutes, Resolutions, Compliance, Distribution Company (CIPC) amendments, Company authorizations, Declarations and Disclosures, Statutory record establishment, Statutory record maintenance (excluding prescribed fees and penalties (if any))

*****  Add an extra R150 for a name change or a director change and R250 for both

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